Labour leader Andrew Little. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Labour leader Andrew Little. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Listen to Larry Williams now on Newstalk ZB, 4pm to 7pm. Today he looks at the latest political opinion polls and the US Presidential Nevada primary results.
The latest polls show National Party support pretty much unchanged. The Morgan poll has National at 48.5 per cent.
The One News/Colmar Brunton poll has National at 47 per cent. Labour is at 27 per cent and 32 per cent respectfully.
Labour has attacked the Government on several fronts this year and got nowhere. Labour continues to flat line. It's the result you get when you create disingenuous diatribe like the TPPA.
When you are perceived as not being sincere you have got a major problem. Such was the case with the TPPA, Waitangi, and free tertiary education - the major attack weapons Labour have rolled out this year.
Andrew Little's personal popularity - while not a "basket case" - shows that he has no "cut through" to the public. This is disastrous for Labour. The attack dog mentality is not working.
Here's the latest examples of Labour losing the plot: Little and Trevor Mallard are whining about Police Minister Judith Collins marching with police at the Pride Parade - saying it was "clear politicisation and totally inappropriate".
No, no, no. It's the Minister marching with the troops.
Meanwhile, Labour's float in the pride parade featured the Tino Rangatiratanga flag!
Today, Little came up with a gem, attacking Richie McCaw for supporting the new flag in the referendum! I mean, seriously folks, you wonder why Labour is floundering?
Trump is on a roll
Donald Trump wins South Carolina and he has the momentum. The Republican nomination is now down to Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
The "Donald" show rolls on and this has the GOP in turmoil. It's looking like a hostile takeover of the Republican Party.
If Trump wins Nevada and dominates Super Tuesday, it could well be all over.
The far left Washington Post doesn't like any of this. They're comparing Trump's rise to how Hitler could have come to power. It's drivel. Straight out scaremongering.
Jeb Bush is gone, but before throwing in the towel he chewed through around US$100 million going nowhere. Proof positive that money doesn't buy elections.
Bush always looked clumsy and uncomfortable on the campaign trail and it was evident early on that being a "Bush" wasn't going to do it for him.
Of course, Bush's nemesis was Trump. Trump destroyed Bush by showing him as weak and ineffectual. Trump was right. The money, the resume, the name, and the backing of the establishment counted for nothing.
With Bush gone it's only a matter of time before John Kasich and Ben Carson pull the pin. They are in denial.
Over on the left, Hillary Clinton won Nevada, but not by a lot. Socialist Bernie Sanders got perilously close in a race Clinton should have won by a mile.
The Democratic race is almost certainly stacked in favour of Hillary Clinton.