Somewhere, Robert Louis Stevenson is spinning in his grave. This week, I caught Harlequin's Christmas show: Treasure Island: Almost A Pantomime, by Stewart Auty - a retelling of the Stevenson Tale, but with the theatrics of the Muppets' version and the camp factor of the Pirates of the Caribbean series.
And this one has pirates with handbags, a castaway who loves cheese and crosswords and an HR inspector.
I am a big fan of pirates - pantomimes not so much, so I wasn't quite sure what awaited me at the theatre.
To get the gripes out of the way early, I found the play itself to be, for lack of a better word, a bit childish. There were many genuinely funny moments, but there were also some truly painful puns. Puns are wonderful in small doses, but this one overdoes it - and I felt the cleverer dialogue was drowned out by the more infantile humour.
That being said, it was a play which didn't take itself too seriously - and Maria Hinton's cast, both veterans and newbies, were thoroughly entertaining.