Two kiwi eggs have been taken from deep in a forrest burrow and brought to Pukaha Mt Bruce nursery for hatching.
Department of Conservation (DoC) staff at Pukaha Mt Bruce are awaiting the arrival of new kiwi chicks from two eggs brought down for incubation.
Ranging staff say the first of the eggs was around 65 days old and the second 40 to 45 days old, as eggs are laid about 20 days apart.
The male kiwi has, until now, done a great job incubating the eggs, but they have been brought down into the nursery to await hatching. This shouldn't be far away as the first egg has already started "pipping" which means the kiwi chick is starting to break its way out.
Usually it takes around five days from the pipping stage for the chick to make its entrance.