"She was just an amazing woman," Ruka said.
"She was a very happy, loving woman. She was very funny, she cared about all her family and everybody around her.
Polly Tuialii died from a cardiac arrest months after the death of her husband Graeme. Photo / Supplied"Her family was her everything," Ruka said.
Her children, who were Polly's "pride and joy," were doing the best they could and were surrounded by family, Ruka said.
Her death followed that of her husband, Graeme Tuialii, in April.
Polly Tuialii leaves behind her daughter (left) and an adult son. Photo / SuppliedOriginally from Rangi Pt, Hokianga, Tuialii was based in Tasmania at the time of her death and had lived in Australia for many years, Ruka said.
The family are now focusing on bringing her home for a traditional tangi and burial beside her late husband on Rangi Pt.
Polly Tuialii is survived by her adult children, who months earlier lost their father. Photo / SuppliedThey have established a Givealittle page to raise the necessary money to fly Tuialii home.
Ruka said the family were overwhelmed at the response to the page.
Since it was launched two days ago it has received more than $4800 in donations from kind-hearted Kiwis.
"It's taken off and it's just amazing."
Ruka said having to wait so long to get her sister-in-law home was hard on the family.
"We're already grieving, but we just have to wait and wait and wait until she's here . . . it's really tough.
"The marae's already been organised and ready for us when we come, but we just have to wait for her to get here."
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