A group of us went up to Kerikeri last weekend to run the Kerikeri Half Marathon. As is the case with most of our group's trips away, it was two days of fun and frivolity interrupted by a 21km run.
The coaches, whose rewards will come in heaven, were our sober drivers and that enabled us to enjoy a variety of different entertainment options.
One of our group was going to a friend's party and she was the last pick-up of the night. As she and Kiri drove down the dark country roads on their way to our hotel in Paihia, Kiri slammed on the brakes. She'd almost run into a young woman, dressed in dark clothing and staggering along the middle of the road.
They spun the car around to make sure she was all right. Conversation was difficult as she appeared to be as high as a kite, and it took them a while to get her to decide where she wanted to go. She didn't want to be dropped back at one of the many police checkpoints - in fact, she became distressed and agitated at the very suggestion that she be delivered into the safe custody of a police officer.
Eventually she asked to be taken to her uncle's, who lived some way away. On the drive there, the girls learned she was eight months' pregnant and a recovering crack addict who claimed she'd been clean for the past few months, although her demeanour suggested otherwise. She had another two children, nowhere to live and there was no partner on the scene.