COMMENT: The current stoush over Victim Support and what they're doing with all the money we donated for the mosque shooting victims is an ugly example of what happens when a complex issue gets pushed into the media and has to be turned into digestible bite-size pieces.
It's complex because there's obviously so much going on that we don't know about regarding the more than $10 million that has been donated.
I, like many others, was quick to be upset when I saw victims coming forward saying they were struggling to make ends meet because they had no access to money.
Like many other donors, I immediately felt cheated - I wanted those victims to have as much money as they needed and pronto.
But that of course is an emotional reaction.
Victim Support, given the industry they're in, are probably better versed at being able to step back and look at things more objectively. Weigh up all the factors, including the less palatable bite-size media-friendly minutiae.