COMMENT: Part of what stinks about this ANZ/David Hisco mess is that a lot of it is shrouded in mystery.
And when there's mystery, there are more questions, and when there are more questions than answers, that's when the rumours start.
The key to strong leadership is to be transparent and open, to lay the facts out straight, to be upfront. An institution like the ANZ bank should know more than anyone about the ins and outs of good PR.
Good PR means fronting up. It also means being clear, and not leaving details to the rumour mill. The other thing the ANZ should know is that banks are usually public enemy number one - it doesn't take much for a bank to do wrong, to get people's backs up.
ANZ should also be aware, off the back of Australia's Royal Commission, that people are already wary and suspicious of banks: the level of tolerance for indiscretion is thin.