COMMENT: With recent stats telling us that nearly half of all cellphone calls will be scams by 2019, I see a fraud educator has now come out and said it's time we stopped blaming the victims for these crimes.
Which is what they are, crimes. A scam is a fraud, so why do we call it a scam, does that term not minimise the seriousness of it?
The victims of these crimes often carry stigma and blame for this type of fraud and it's not fair.
The other assumption made about victims of fraud is that they're vulnerable older people or people not smart enough to know better, but in actual fact, any one of us can be a target. Any one of us can be caught up in it unwittingly.
Many of these nasty scammers are actually internationally run businesses and cartels.
Some are donkey deep in organised crime: drugs, money laundering, illegal weapons trade, human trafficking.