The plot thickens over the actual spelling and pronunciation of the name Kahutara.
In the wake of a news story published this week claiming that the name should be Kahautara, the spelling which appeared on documents dating back to 1894, it is now being suggested even earlier documents have the name as Kahutara.
Kevin Bargh, a resident of Kahutara Rd, approached South Wairarapa mayor Adrienne Staples earlier this year expressing his desire to have the name restored to Kahautara, as was recorded in early maps and plans.
Land Information New Zealand said the area had been recorded as Kahautara in documents dating back to 1894, with the name appearing to have been changed to Kahutara on the NZ Map Series 13 in 1960.
Mrs Staples told councillors of her chance meeting with Mr Bargh in January over a flat tyre, through her report which was tabled at Wednesday's full council meeting.