"He is a corporate candidate, effectively."
Minto said centre-right councillor Cameron Brewer was also weighing up a campaign based around opposition to high-rise housing plans.
Brewer said the unitary plan, with its emphasis on high-rise housing, had fired up Aucklanders and Brown had underestimated their anger.
Yet Brewer was less likely than Minto to run for mayor. "Never say never but it's an unlikely proposition," he said this week.
"At this stage my focus is on building my base in Orakei and continuing to hold the Mayor accountable."
Brewer said Brown had nurtured a bloated bureaucracy and a practice of wasteful borrowing. Brown's office dismissed the criticism. "If he's being attacked from the far right and the far left, that suggests he's right in the middle doing a great job," spokesman Dan Lambert said.
Lambert said transport and housing were always big issues for Aucklanders but it was too early to say what Brown would concentrate his re-election campaign on.
"Len is focused on being the Mayor for Auckland and he's leaving anything around the election to his campaign machine."
Brewer said a few months ago Brown was "a shoo-in", but a prominent, energetic centre-right candidate could now be a serious contender.
The last election offered a colourful field. Candidates included former North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams, far-left activist Penny Bright and John Banks, who later joined Williams in Parliament. Bright said she would run for mayor again this year.
Nominations for local elections open on July 19 and close on August 16. Candidates should be New Zealand citizens and enrolled voters. They need two nominators who live in their local authority and must pay a $200 deposit or nomination fee. The elections run by postal vote from September 20 to October 12.