Aucklanders should support a smokefree city, writes John Loof, chief executive of the Cancer Society Auckland.
Based on ancient Mayan writings some people believe we could see the end of the world in 2012. A call for more smokefree public spaces in Auckland appears to have had a similar effect on some who believe the end of the world is nigh. Rest assured, the Cancer Society is only prophesying Armageddon for the tobacco industry.
A recent Herald poll shows smokefree is not just a topic supported by zealots on the margins of society, but is in fact supported by a majority of the Auckland community with 70 per cent of those polled positive about a smokefree Auckland. Most people, including many smokers, understand that smoking shouldn't be part of our future and that anything we can do to support our children not to start smoking should be a priority.
Research shows that when children grow up surrounded by adults who smoke they are much more likely to start. The average age we start to smoke in this country is 14 and, sadly, for Maori the age is around 11 or 12. Once started, we all know how difficult it is to quit. These are clearly not independent adult consumer choices, as the tobacco companies will have you believe. This is primarily why we are calling for family places such as parks, playgrounds and sports fields to be smokefree. When our kids use local parks they should be getting a lesson in rugby or netball, not in smoking.
In Auckland alone there are five funerals every day as a result of smoking-related diseases. The Cancer Society and public health officials see first-hand the devastating toll this takes on families, whanau and our community. Each smoking-related death is preventable, which just adds to the tragedy. This is what motivates us to support the Government's goal of a smokefree New Zealand by 2025.