Whenever spectators get out of control all of a sudden "winning" becomes the whipping boy like it's a bad thing.
I know I'm a dinosaur but to me winning still matters in children's sport. Just because some idiot parents on the sidelines lose it is no reason to just roll the ball out and let the kids do whatever.
Not every kid wants to play sport just for fun. There are plenty of kids who want to win ... badly want to win. Some want to be pushed hard and are prepared to work hard so they can excel. They want someone who'll tap their potential and get the best out of them. So why punish the kids who desperately want to win by giving in to adults who think it's wrong to encourage the idea of winning and losing?
I've coached at a variety of levels from showing gawky high school teenagers how to shoot a ball, to seasoned professionals and a lot in between. My approach to coaching has always been the same. I've been hard-nosed and I don't take prisoners. But, I've always given the teams I've coached - no matter their age - the basic fundamentals one needs to advance, to grow, to move forward in their chosen sport. And that means I pushed them hard because everybody has more talent than they think they do and to get to that talent at times you need to challenge them. Get them out of their comfort zone. Stretch their boundaries.
Sure I yell and scream. I even yell when I'm talking normally, that's just me. But more importantly I yell with a purpose. I teach all the time. From the minute I walk into a gym I'm yelling and teaching so why would I be any different during a game? And believe me it's a beautiful thing to witness a youngster discovering his own talent and watching him or her grow.