Put up or shut up. The new anti-MMP lobby group, Vote for Change, does not deserve to be taken seriously until it answers this question: change to what, exactly?
The organisation is not saying "at this stage" which alternative voting system it will support in the referendum. It will make an announcement once it has a "substantial" membership whose views have been heard.
Very democratic-sounding. And very convenient. By not indicating a preference, Vote for Change can keep pointing out the flaws of MMP without supporters of MMP being able to retort.
It has predictably seized on those aspects of MMP which really annoy the public - most notably MPs who lose their constituency seats being "sneaked" back into Parliament via their party list. This is a myth in terms of huge numbers. There were just four cases of that happening at the last election.
What's more, a change to the partly proportional supplementary member system - the alternative Vote for Change will probably end up championing - would not necessarily solve this problem, if indeed it is one.