Keith Quinn, in all his sexagenarian splendour, has looked 60 for 30 years; Bic Runga has looked 20 for 20; Gwyneth Paltrow, 32 for 15; Todd Blackadder, 48 for 22; Anton Oliver, 40 for 20; Robyn Malcolm AND Jeremy Corbett, 43 for 23; Suzy Cato, 36 for 25; Daniel Braid, 20 for 13. The Son of Man has looked 33 for 2012 years but that's neither here nor there.
The age gig is an odd one. People look great but feel grotty at 50, some of them. Many look marvellously young for a criminally long time and then fall to bits in a matter of months. Others, quite simply, look the same for decades.
It's weird; those who fight for themselves, achieve their goals and make a business of fitness are quite often gaunt and leather-beat, as grey as day. Then you find those who pig out, splash out and cash out all their lives and they manage to look absolutely wonderful; beaming, glowing with victorious visage and other such stuff. Once in a while, you come across those biological marvels who have looked eternally half-dead and got by just fine- in true defiance of science.
When tracing someone's ageing, Sir Paul McCartney is a personal favourite. The fellow seriously looked the same from 1962 to 1989, in the face. Then, unbelievably, his face rapidly feminised, drooping dreamily with Marilyn Monroe eyes and toilet roll jowls. It's got to the point now if he appeared on Ellen you'd struggle to tell who was the man.
We all know how leaders of nations age drastically in three years, with the weight and the fate of world etched mercilessly into their receding faces. It's shocking.