Fashions, gambling and fun, not necessarily all on the same day, that was what a veteran of Flemington promised me as I had my nails painted rose gold.
It starts with dress-ups on Derby Day, moves on to splashing the cash on Cup Day, followed by the week's social spin-out on Oaks Day.
It's Melbourne Cup Carnival I'm talking about, one of those now truly international drawcards that has long been on my bucket list. The old cliche about the Cup being the race that stops two nations holds true if you consider how many offices in New Zealand run a sweepstake for it on the first Tuesday of November.
But to really appreciate the scale of the event and the hundreds of millions of dollars it generates for Victoria's economy you have to be in Melbourne.
This year, I am. And with a ringside seat at the race-course. I'm lucky enough to be a guest in the G H Mumm marquee. The French champagne house is the official tipple at the track and expects around 65,000 glasses of the stuff to be drunk over four days of racing - I'll do my best to contribute.