I've been rather uncomfortable these past few months, visiting and writing about the cheerful surfaces of Auckland's 55 community libraries knowing that all the while, behind the bookcases, many librarians are fed up or even despairing.
The causes for the malaise are various: overwork and perceived service degradation due to "sinking lid" understaffing, delays and uncertainty about the libraries' current restructure and the shrinking of the city's irreplaceable book collection.
One or two librarians I spoke to for this column are among my most frightened interviewees ever, concerned about losing anonymity. But not only are they worried about their own jobs, they're worried about what the libraries are losing.
This month it was officially announced that by July the number of full and part-time jobs at the library will be 926. It was 1100 less than a year ago so the cuts represent a headcount loss of about 174 or 15 per cent. Thus far, no redundancies have been forced but it's decimation plus.