There's no kind way of putting this, so I'm going to come right out and say it: clearly a number of people at Air New Zealand have gone insane.
I don't know why but Air New Zealand, undeniably, has gone completely bonkers. Maybe the ultra-competitive nature of the airline industry has led to a wave of stress-related psychological meltdowns among senior management. Or possibly when Snoop Dogg did his viral video with Rico, the official rodent of Air New Zealand. he left some potent pot behind and everyone at the company smoked up large until someone said, "Do you know who we should get to do out inflight safety message? Richard Simmons! You remember him right?" and then everyone laughed and clapped their hands, ate some more of Snoop's cookies, then got on the phone to Richard's agent and lo and behold ...
There is part of me that fervently wants to believe that the new Air New Zealand inflight safety video is an April Fool's Day joke that has gone too far. I keep scanning the news for proof that our national carrier was carrying us all on a wave of mirth when they came up with the whole Sydney-Mardi-Gras-in-the-skies concept as a way of calming nervous fliers and fulfilling aviation regulations before their pilots kick the tyres and light the fires. But so far, nothing, and we're well past midday on April 1 now, so I have to presume the whole thing is real.
For those who haven't seen it, the "whole thing" I speak of is difficult to adequately describe without the aid of LSD. Suffice to say, if the desired end result is to leave their passengers speechless, then Air New Zealand is doing a fine job.
Imagine, if you will, travelling back in time to the worst 80s nightclub ever, one where the fitness-guru-who-time-forgot is shrieking at us, telling us to "do the pony" and that we are all giraffes, while all we're trying to do is stuff our newspapers and reading glasses into the back pocket of the seat in front, while also fighting for armrest space with the bloke next to us. Then, to a relentless disco beat, throw in some rather eccentric cameos by various celebrities, until the time Paul Henry pashes Richard Simmons you're ready to both activate the evacuation slides and evacuate your breakfast into the sick bag. Now you're starting to get the picture.