Today we start a series in praise of the Jafa - Just Another Friendly Aucklander - who works behind the scenes to keep the region humming.
Wendy Meyer, Radio Network traffic presenter, is still amazed by the behaviour of some drivers.
Wendy Meyer has just about seen it all in eight years of keeping Aucklanders updated on traffic conditions.
But the behaviour of some drivers can still amaze - for example, the man who stopped on the Harbour Bridge in rush hour to eat a bowl of cereal.
Then there was the time an elephant escaped from the zoo. "They had to close the Northwestern Motorway at Western Springs just in case, that was great.
"You also get calls about people reading newspapers or reading maps on their steering wheels, you hear it all the time and you just think ... 'hello?"'
Her Monday to Friday routine means a 5.45am start with calls to police to check traffic conditions and incidents.
However, Meyer says it is motorists who provide the bulk of updates on what's happening on the road.
"Most people have it in their heads that they should call us first before phoning the police, which is great for us.
"We can tell you about a crash almost before it happens, someone else behind it will ring us and it's nice to be able to tell people."
Meyer is an active and healthy looking 41. She is married with two young daughters aged 11 and 8 1/2.
She speaks animatedly about Auckland's congestion and is an advocate for improving the city's transport options.
"We really have to get some trains sorted like the ones they have in Sydney which are cheap and reliable because ours aren't.
"People have to carpool as well - you can see the cars on the motorway and they've all got one person in them.
"Nobody carpools here because Aucklanders are impatient and don't do those kind of things."
That can mean bad news for drivers trying to beat the morning rush.
"Basically if there's an accident on the motorway during rush hour, you're screwed so it's better to stay off the road when you can.
"Not everyone can do it but you could ring work and tell them it would probably be better if you could come in a bit later - it's better than sitting on the motorway for an hour doing nothing."
* Time Saver Traffic host since 2000 on Newstalk ZB, 5.45am to 9am
* Previously worked for the Radio Network as a copy writer and promotions manager
* Age: 41
* Lives: Pakuranga
* Married with two girls
* Interests: Tennis, hockey, jazzercise