I can't believe Aucklanders are being asked to conserve water yet again. If it's not an electricity crisis or being stuck in rush hour traffic or having to see our city become a super city it's water problems.
After the big drought of 1994 Aucklanders expressed anger and we were told that a pipeline to the Waikato river would solve our water problems.
Back in July 2002 treated water from the Waikato River entered Auckland's water supply, no longer did we solely rely on the dams around the city.
Water Care said the previous one in 50-year drought security standard needed to be lifted, to a one in 200 year standard was put in place. According to their website that meant "an increase from an unrestricted water supply 98 percent of the time to 99.5 percent".
They said the Waikato River was identified as a drought resistant, plentiful, cost-effective source. The environmental impact on the river is minimal because the water is abstracted just before it goes into the Tasman sea and unlike with dam construction, no land is flooded.
38kms of pipeline was built and eight years ago Aucklanders could turn on the tap enjoy plentiful water from a virtually endless water supply. Of course we've all driven through Mercer and gone "yuck, we drink that?" but we were assured the water quality was exceptional - and they were right, I've never noticed a change in the taste.
However following a dry three months - the lowest rainfall in nearly 100 years of records in the western water supply catchments and the third lowest in nearly 50 years in the southern catchments - Water Care is now asking Aucklanders to make voluntary water savings.
I must have a bad memory because I'm sure that the Waikato River pipeline meant that we wouldn't need to go through this again... yet here we are just 8 years in to it and already we're being asked to make savings.
The timing of this announcement couldn't have been worse either. The day before the first rain band in months moved across the city.
The water savings that they want us to make now are to protect us against the dry weather next Summer. If the lakes are low now (currently at 58.5% capacitiy, although I'm sure that will rise a bit after yesterday's rain) then if we head in to summer 2010/11 with lower than average levels then that means water restrictions will be imposed - not voluntary savings but forced savings.
I'm always careful with my water... afterall, I have to pay for it, so why would I waste it? In the same way that I don't waste power and I always recycle. In fact I'm used to not using much water. My parent's home relies on well and rain water so I grew up with the 3 minute shower and sharing baths and having half flushes.
It annoys me that now I'm asked to save water when I thought a pipeline had been put in place to avoid this happening. I wonder what on earth all these rates I pay each year to the Auckland Regional Council, the Waitakere City Council are even for?
The rates seem to go up and up and up yet in my local area services have reduced. Recyclying from once a week to once every two weeks. Rubbish bins removed from many local parks. I feel a little ripped off. I don't ask much of this city...I tolerate the stupid new traffic lights at motorway on-ramps, I tolerate paying a second set of rates to the Auckland Regional Council that has so far stopped fantastic things coming to this city (V8s, a water front stadium, silencing western springs, wasting money on a soccer event that cost us big time) and I even tolerate the odd power cut. So I guess this water problem is just another thing to add to the list. Some of you will say, if you don't like it then move. Who knows, that may become an option if this super city fails to deliver... and judging by what happened in Toronto, it may well not live up to expectations.
<i>Weather Watch</i>: Auckland's water crisis
The Waikato river. Photo / Kenny Rodger
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