A geek who lost 12kg has posted his top 50 weight-loss tips on his website. These two are inspired:
1. Remember that the fork is not a shovel. I eat fast (I swear I can't help it). Even if I'm not hungry, I want to shovel everything into my mouth in less than a minute. But my brain doesn't know that my stomach is full until 20 minutes after it actually is. As such, I could stuff myself silly before realising I didn't need to consume as much as I did. Try eating half of what's on your plate, wait 10 minutes, then continue to eat if you're still hungry. You never want to feel full - ever. That's when you know you've eaten too much. If you want a real hunger-stopper, try an Omega 3 and Omega 6 supplement 20 minutes before a meal.
2. Become your own snack fairy. It's okay to snack between meals, really. Small meals throughout the day are enough to keep you satisfied as, much like the sensation of being full, you never want to feel hungry. Let your body know it's going to get a regular regimen of calories. Plus, if you starve yourself for the regular meals, you're probably going to eat more before your brain tells your mouth to stop. Think about it: breakfast, lunch and dinner are social constructs at their very core. (Source: boingboing.net)
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Who will be put in the corner? A new reality show to hit the United States, Dirty Dancing: Living the Dream, puts 30 young women under the instruction of six male dancing instructors at a resort. Wonder where on earth they got the idea for that?
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The publication of Kurt Cobain's suicide letter online comes complete with a not entirely appropriate bunch of Google AdSense ads (automatically generated based on the content of the page). They include ads for free ringtones, techniques to end anxiety, and public speaking training. (Source: www.beigerecords.com/cory/kurt/)
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The opening of the Big Red Shed at the Sylvia Park megamall, and the discount outlet's foray into food and booze, is proudly offering Veuve Cliquot at $99.95 a bottle as a special opening day price. An indignant informant tells Sideswipe with a hearty laugh that this excellent champagne is often on special for as little as $69.95.
Last month St Matthew-in-the-City mourned the loss of its iGod billboard. Now the ad agency responsible, M&C Saatchi, informs Sideswipe the replacement has been nicked as well; which explains the new instalment outside the church.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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