Carriel Louah, 25, is suing her parents for at least US$75,000 ($121,000) for the broken ankle she suffered in a fall on their property when she paid them an unexpected visit last year. The mother said she appreciated the surprise birthday visit, but denied any negligence. (Source: News of the Weird)
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In-house news: The Star community newspaper in Christchurch printed a long story about its editor-in-chief, Barry Clarke, rescuing his "ageing 50kg-plus dog stuck in deep mud in the Avon River". The human interest story included details of how Rex, the 12-year-old labrador-newfoundland cross with arthritis in his back legs, lost his balance while being taken for a walk and plummeted down a steep bank into the mud. Clarke was over knee-deep in mud and "in his office clothes" trying to pull the dog out. "I had a pair of gumboots on but I didn't have time to change because the dog obviously needed to be out of the mud." Clarke was about to give up and call the Fire Service when, in one big last shove, Rex popped out of the mud and he was able to push him on to a small grassy patch at the bottom of the bank. "Rex is recovering. Clarke's clothes are still at the drycleaners," concluded the article.
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Housing New Zealand renovation delays: A tenant writes ... "In October 2003, while getting under the shower, which is over the bath, I slipped on the bath mat and nose-dived (inelegantly) into the end of the bath. On my way back from hospital I called into my Housing New Zealand Neighbourhood Unit and asked if some type of stability aid could be attached to the bath. They requested proof of the fall from A&E, which I provided a few days later. Nearly three years later I'm still awaiting notification as to whether or not my request has been granted. I stopped follow-up inquiries some time in 2004-2005. Can't really remember ... it all seems so long ago."
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Chloe Powell writes: "To the person who stole my 1996 Silver Honda Integra from Kingsland on Saturday, I hope you noticed two things ... First, it had bridal magazines on the front seat. I am getting married in five weeks and would really like my car back as it's quite a busy and expensive time. Secondly, it was parked opposite Oxfam New Zealand, where I work. While I really can't complain about my car getting stolen, given that half of the world lives on less than $2 a day, I hope your conscience is now pricked and next time you think twice about taking someone's car."
The cycling lane in Calliope Rd, Devonport, is a bit tricky to negotiate.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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