Some parents in the community of Shiloh near St Louis are in a flap over a gay-themed book on the shelves of the local primary school. The picture book, titled And Tango Makes Three is about - shock horror - two male penguins falling in love and raising a baby. The parents say their young children aren't ready to handle the subject. They want the book removed from the regular shelves and restricted to a section for mature issues. School officials aren't budging, saying it's important to provide diverse reading materials for students. (Source: Associated Press)
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David Letterman takes a look at the top 10 things overheard at Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes' wedding
10. "Do you think Tom's going to jump up and down on the altar?"
9. "These hors d'oeuvres taste like Steak-Umms."
8. "Quiet everybody! They're going to cut the pre-nup."
7. "It's nice that there's not a lot of hype surrounding this thing."
6. "I think Tom is preaching to Matt Lauer about the dangers of cake."
5. "Wonder how much I can get for the bouquet on eBay?"
4. "I didn't know Armani made extra-small tuxedos."
3. "How did Letterman get in?"
2. "No, Mr Gibson, it's not a Jewish wedding."
1. "We never should've let the guy who played Kramer make a toast."
(Letterman screens on Prime at 10.45pm, weeknights)
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Overheard at the Grey Lynn festival on the weekend: One stall featuring water pumps caught the attention of Dick Hubbard. A reader overheard a punter suggest our mayor should buy the biggest one there to bail out the waterfront stadium once water levels rise and the place floods in a few years.
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A reader has a nifty way to prevent unwanted windscreen washing at intersections: "When I am approached I shake my head and turn the windscreen wipers on. Obviously they cannot proceed with their activity while these are in motion, and this immediately eliminates any form of intimidation. A safe but easy remedy."