In addition to minor traffic infringements, other people's children and Paul Henry - all which were popular pet peeves - here are the more interesting things that make you furrow your brow:
1. Perfumed toilet paper ("doesn't mask a thing").
2. Tardis handbag syndrome ("women who don't start searching for their purse until everything is scanned and back in the supermarket trolley").
3. Loved-up couples on footpaths ("wandering along holding hands, taking up the entire footpath, in their own little world so that you have to go around them. I know what it's like to be in love - I am in love - but I/we don't lack spatial awareness because of it").
4. Bad bathroom design ("a mirror opposite the porcelain, so you can see yourself while seated").
5. Obsessive compulsive health nuts (jogging in the rain at 5am, eating organic gluten and dairy-free vegetarian food and looking down their noses at the less healthy. They'd be great fun at a party").
6. Mouth breathers ("especially if they smoke or have bad breath. Exception: Darth Vader").
7. Contrary farmers ("either it's too much or too little rain ... make up your mind. I'm not entitled to Government aid in hard times ... so why should you get millions when there's not enough rain?").
8. Impenetrable supermarket bags ("I often have to lick my fingers to open one - or if I'm in a store that sprays their fresh vegies, I touch a cabbage to wet my fingers to enable a bag to be separated").
9. Dog owners who call themselves Mummy or Daddy.
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Margaret Wong of Epsom writes: "I was walking around One Tree Hill when I spotted a lone paddock of black sheep and lambs. The white sheep and lambs were gambolling freely all over the rest of the park. It was all a bit District 9 ... No doubt someone will be able to enlighten us."
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Two girls lost in a stormwater drain in Adelaide updated their Facebook status via their mobile phone rather than ringing emergency services. A Fire Service spokesman said the 10- and 12-year-old girls were lucky another young friend was online and was able to call for help for them. Walking through drains is known as "urban caving", is popular in many major cities, despite the danger of flash floods. (Source:
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A reader on writing insults on bombs: "When that bomb is dropped it will end lives. That is no small joke. The people who die will have families and friends who love them. That bomb will not be dropped out of hatred but out of necessity and making a joke out of it, however small, is incredibly stupid. And it is not the Taleban who is offended, it is New Zealanders. We need to be able to trust our soldiers in their job and know that they take it seriously, because death and destruction do matter."
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View today's Herald cartoon
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<i>Sideswipe:</i> Yanking your chains

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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