After finding out it was World Car-Free Day yesterday Tim decided to check out the public transport via to see if he could catch the bus. "I live by the green diamond, 3kms to work by the red one. I really shouldn't complain though, I could just as easily walk!"
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Ross reckons the following comment in the Your Views about Labtests deserves a wider audience: "Nigel Fleming (Christchurch) Friday September 18, 2009: 'If anyone knows a Mr J. Key from Helensville, can you please tell him that the results of his colonoscopy were accidentally delivered to me? Thanks.Tell him not to worry, though, because it was only a finger and all he needs to do is pull it out!"'
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Good to know someone can get one over Paul Henry: As part of their Fashion Week coverage asks Henry what's the worst item of clothing he's ever purchased? He says: "My daughter once encouraged me to buy a pink and grey singlet which she made me try on in the shop and told me it looked absolutely fantastic on me. I got it home and on a number of occasions I actually took it out and put it on and immediately took it off. About 6 months later, my middle daughter Sophie burst into laughter when I told her how ridiculous it looked and she told me she knew she could make me buy it. I genuinely thought she thought it looked good on me!"
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New Zealand has always had a close relationship with sheep. Our nation is said to have earned its prosperity "off the sheep's back" and what would be a trip across the Tasman without a sheep shagger joke or 10. NZ On Screen, a website archive of the best (and worst) of our film and television, celebrates this rapport with our 30 million bleating cohabitants with a bevy of sheep-themed snippets from our entertainment history - including highlights from 40 Years of Country Calendar and Sunday night horror About Face: The Lamb of God from 1985. Go to and find The Sheep Collection
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A reader writes: "Two weeks ago I was outside the Warehouse in New Lynn when approached by two NZ Para Olympians fundraisers to buy the last three $10 pins of the day. I listened to a long guilt-laden spiel about having been there all day with only three pins to sell before they could finally go home. Feeling slightly pressured I purchased the last three pins. I carried on into The Warehouse and 30 minutes later I came out to find the collectors were still there and had another three pins on the table ... They had clearly been using the story on everyone!"
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A Chicago gay bar popular with cross-dressers now requires them to show a valid photo ID that matches their "gender presentation" - they need a photo ID that shows them in drag.
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Malapropism alert: In yesterday's column, the woman getting on to the tube escalator with her pram was not "clamouring" on (which means to shout), but "clambering" on.
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View today's Herald cartoon
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<i>Sideswipe</i>: World Car-Free Day has sheep-related snippets. Photo / Hawkes Bay Today

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