Jesse reckons someone in Herne Bay is unhappy about people not removing their emptied bins promptly. "This was taken about 6pm on the day of collection - bit tough if you work late," he says.
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Disastrous dates:
1 Missing 30cm: "Al" who said he was 1.9m and was actually 1.6m. (PS: "Al", wearing a striped woollen beanie with the point pulled up does not make you look taller). Lying is not a good start to a relationship. It indicates you are prepared to be dishonest, are insecure about who you really are (we all know we cannot do anything about our height - embrace it) and think I'm stupid. I might miss an inch depending on if I'm wearing heels or flats, but I am going to notice a missing 12 inches.
2 Sean remembers going on a dinner date with a woman who said when she was nervous her nose would bleed. It did, and she was very nervous. Deeply unfortunate and unattractive. I convinced her to call it a night after she bled on to her cheesecake.
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Are Australians more Kiwi than we are?" asks a reader. "I work in the Pricewaterhousecoopers building in Auckland's CBD and yesterday [Monday] a sign in the lobby indicated the Australian consulate on level 7 was closed. It turns out they were observing Waitangi Day. So Australians get a day off for our national day while we all have to go to work. Crazy."
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America's Biggest Rip-Offs, according to CNN money:
Text messages - 6500 per cent markup.
Hotel mini-bars - 1300 per cent markup.
Movie theatre popcorn - 900 per cent markup.
Wine at restaurants - 500 per cent markup.
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I needed a new paring knife so went off to that place where everyone gets a bargain - and there in all its excessive packaging glory was a small paring knife. I fought my way through the plastic wrapping and now I can chop my beans. How unnecessary."
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A number of readers wrote in to confirm a trend of restaurants not accepting Eftpos. An infuriated reader says: "They don't tell you when you book, or have signs up informing you when you arrive. I had to trot off to find an ATM to get cash and then go back and pay while leaving my partner there, just in case they thought I was going to dine-and-dash." If you come across a restaurant that won't accept Eftpos, or if you know why this is happening, please email Sideswipe.
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My kids found a youngster's wallet around the old fortifications on North Head yesterday," says Rob. "If the junior owner can identify the distinctive cartoon character on the outside of the wallet, I'll gladly get it back to them. Call 027 570 8479."
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick: Three great videos: A popular 80s ad for an airline involving cat, rest home residents perform Billie Jean or watch a shark devour a reef camera. Go here and scroll down.
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