Angela of Huntly decided to treat herself to a massage. She'd never had one before and isn't likely to go again after this. "I stood in the therapy room feeling awkward - I was unsure about what to take off and what to keep on. The therapist instructed me to remove everything, bra included, but to leave my underwear on. I did this while she left the room. When she returned she said, "Oh and your knickers off too please", then turned to organise something or other. I whipped my knickers off thinking I must have misheard her previous instructions. She turned and gasped, 'No! I said your necklace!' Standing there starkers, I was mortified."
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The Next luxury to be sacrificed for the global warming cause? The Western World's already plummeting birth-rate. Prolific breeding (any more than two) should be frowned upon as an environmental transgression, in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, gas-guzzling cars and the consumption of plastic bags, says a report to be published this week by a green think tank. The paper, by the Optimum Population Trust, will say that if couples had two children instead of three they could cut their family's carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 return flights a year between London and New York. Trust co-chairman John Guillebaud said: "The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights." (Source:
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Here's an idea for tea tonight: Marmite and Bovril fans can choose between new sausages made with the two rival savoury flavours. Specialist sausage-makers Broad Oak say the Marmite-infused variety is expected to sell better than the Bovril flavour. Both versions have a "significant but not overpowering" taste, the firm says.