Sex must sell, they're even trying it outside Crisp Cafe in Whitianga.
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Inspired by the awful single I Kissed a Girl by US singer Katy Perry, The Edge radio station is trying for a "Girls kissing Girls" world record. The stunt wants girls to turn up at 16 locations around the country for a pash that must last longer than 20 seconds. Contestants will go in the draw to win a trip for two to Melbourne to see Katy Perry perform. Now, this raises a number of questions:
* Are lesbians allowed to enter with their partners?
* Or does it have to be straight girls pashing?
* If two girls are kissing live on radio, how do we know that is what they are doing? Do they have special tonsil microphones?
* And if the radio station puts the competitors up on its website, isn't that a bit, well, Steve Crow?
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Colin Clarke has a run-in with a security guard: "On Sunday morning my grandson was part of a Waiheke Primary soccer team playing at Elm Park school in Pakuranga. The team had 45 minutes to wait before kick-off so I took a few of them through an open gate of a fenced-off area to the school's outside jungle gym. No sooner had they started playing than a security guard from Megasecurity came and ordered them off. When I questioned him he quoted OSH and Ministry of Education rules and threatened me with a trespass order unless I left. Why I ask, is a security guard required to prevent kids having a good time and who is paying for him - the school? Why not just close the fence and forget the authoritarian approach of the security gestapo?"
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An airline in Canada is removing life jackets from all its planes to cut weight and so reduce fuel costs. The regional airline Jazz says regulations allow it to use flotation devices if the planes stay within 80km of shore. Passengers will be directed to use seat cushions as flotation devices.
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Ryan Stev claims the woman who sat in her car at the Mairangi Bay bus stop with her "high-performance, gas guzzling 4WD on for the full 12 minutes", (Sideswipe, Tuesday) was actually using very little fuel. "If I was to make a guess, being idle for 12 minutes probably used as much fuel as 30 seconds of actual driving," he says.
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Today's Webpick: This is a Japanese 'Mitsukurina owstoni,' or goblin shark; it's the craziest creature I've ever seen and has a retractable jaw that shoots out of its mouth, Alien-style, to catch its prey. Watch it in action here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.