Serial Noise Control complainer in Freemans Bay: On Easter Saturday a wedding in Freemans Bay for a mature couple included a small jazz band of professionals. Mid-festivities - at 7.45pm - Auckland City Council's noise control enforcers were called by a nearby complainant. The musicians were told to pack up and so ended the music. The next day locals discussing the embarrassing curtailment at the wedding learned of a number of other occasions of early-evening complaints (one woman playing her stereo during the afternoon was door-knocked). Someone in Freemans Bay has noise control on speed dial, but surely the council has some discretion to be reasonable ... a wedding jazz band at 7.45 on a Saturday night is not that extreme.
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Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger will appear on MTV's Pimp My Ride (a show where cars are done up/modified) with a '65 Chevy Impala to make environmentally friendly. "I would like to thank MTV for shining the spotlight on the importance of alternative fuels and the fight against global warming," the Governor says.
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A reader is hopping mad at the scumbag who stole his baby's lifejacket while they were launching their boat at Westhaven on Monday. "The lifejacket, which was all of 10 minutes old, cost us over $120 and our baby didn't even get to wear it! Never mind, the boat ramp is under video surveillance and your registration number will be clearly visible. Once we have gone through the tapes expect a visit from the boys in blue ... Thanks to the couple who lent us their baby's lifejacket for the afternoon."
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Dave from Kaukapakapa had this to say about phone book delivery over Easter. "Telecom dictates a specific timeframe during which the phone books have to be delivered by fundraising volunteers (eg, scouts, girls guides), who are giving up their own time so that the complainant doesn't have to travel far from her morning bagel when she wants to make a phone call."