Bradley Byrne was outraged at the faux pre-match ritual suggested for the South African rugby team in yesterday's SideSwipe. "Regarding your recent SideSwipe article. I believe that you have published this piece with absolutely no regard for the nations that are referenced. In particular, the South African reference is completely inappropriate and just plain offensive. Other countries are mentioned in jest, but the SA text refers to a highly sensitive subject on which I can guarantee you are not qualified to comment. As somebody who has experienced the horrors of SA politics first hand, I find your choice to publish this artical (sic) totally unacceptable." Bradley, it's only a game. Relax.
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Clearly, Neil Gray is bringing his son up to understand the requirements of New Zealand manhood. Recently, the six-year-old, a look of concern on his little face, asked, "Dad, if the All Blacks don't make the Rugby World Cup final, who will Australia play?" A very good question.
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When it comes to a man's body odour, the fragrance - or stench - is in the nose of the beholder, according to US researchers, who suggest a single gene may determine how people perceive body odour. The study, published online in the journal Nature, helps explain why the same sweaty man can smell like vanilla to some, like urine to others and for about a third of adults, have no smell at all. (Source: Reuters).
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A Japanese teacher who threw a chair at his students was named "super teacher" by the local board of education. This is despite his being reprimanded several times for using corporal punishment, a news agency said.
The 52-year-old high-school teacher in Kyoto has been awarded the title every year since 2005 in spite of a history of aggression in the classroom, because his strict teaching methods improved his students' performance. He was punished three times between 1997 and 2001 for physically attacking students, including throwing a chair at the volleyball team he was coaching, and was again accused of corporal punishment this year, Kyodo news agency said.
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A disgruntled British motorist has set up a website urging drivers to toot road workers who do not complete jobs on time. gives the finishing dates of jobs on roads and asks motorists to sound their horns at workers who miss it. The website gives details of roadworks in every English region and urges drivers to "teach" contractors an "annoying lesson".
Today's Video Webpick:The granny in this animated short film, How To Cope With Death, knows exactly what to do when the grim reaper calls. Watch it here Scroll down. These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.