A wannabe version of the classic motorcycle or just a Harley that doesn't quite make the grade?
Mapping morality
A community-created map of Auckland Speeding Ticket Hotspots has appeared on Google Maps, encouraging people to send in locations of frequent speed-cameras spots and, even more dubiously, "alcohol stops" (booze bus/checkpoints). It reads: "Where have you been caught, or seen people regularly caught speeding in Auckland, whether it be a speed camera in a box, common place for a 'van' or commonly patrolled area." Does the map elevate drivers' awareness of their own speeding/drinking or just help them evade getting caught and paying fines?
Rental rorts
NZ is not the only country that puts up prices during a major sporting event, declares a reader. "We have friends who have a small but charming house near a championship golf course in the UK, which next year hosts the British Open. Estate agents advertised for houses to let during the championship, so they followed this up. An agent came round and agreed it was suitable. "£6000 [$12,271] for the week okay?"
Egging woes
Liz wondered if egging cars in Remuera is becoming a "thing". This reader reckons it is: "I live in Remuera and park my car on the street. Over the past three months, my car has been egged six times and hoons even squirted paint over cars parked on Bassett Rd. I can't peel the paint off so now I'm driving around with shells and a line of yellow paint on my car."
Egg shocker
Eileen was driving back from Remuera (Clonburn Rd into Lillington Rd) about 9pm one night when she had to brake suddenly. "Something had 'smashed' on to my windscreen right in my line of vision. It was a frightening experience ... got home and realised someone had thrown a bag of eggs."
Teen ego booster
At the risk of egging them on ... "It's the bored rich kids," says Sarah, "they're done with all their expensive toys so watching others' reactions to an egging, then boasting about it on Facebook, is what they now do for kicks - idiots!"
Eggmergency kit
Egging is nothing new, says a reader. "It wasn't new 40 years ago when we baby-boomers sent a few "enemies" home to wash splattered egg off their cars. Points to remember: convertibles are a great assault weapon; passenger standing allows a 360 degree throwing range. Always have a water container on board in case of egg-strike. In your case, Liz, an Evian bottle filled with tap water would do. Eggs DO harm paint, so wash off quickly! Keep at least six rounds of your own, safely stored in the glovebox for emergency retaliation use. A few weeks old is good."
Today's Webpick: Worse than the Cat Bin Lady? A Belgian footballer was booed by fans after he picked up a pitch-invading duck and chucked it over the hoardings... Go here.
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<i>Sideswipe:</i> Wannabe motorbike
Photo / Criggo.com

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