Wal Warehi Britton of Birkenhead was pulled up by a policeman, for failing to "comply with a directional arrow" at the Gillies Ave, Epsom, entrance to the motorway.
"The officer pointed to a no-left-turn sign (see right). I protested that I had turned left with care as demanded by a sign a few metres before the turn. As I said to the officer, "you can't have it both ways with two signs, each giving a different message'. He was not remotely interested and issued the $150 ticket ... I will go to court if necessary and keep turning left until one of the conflicting signs is removed."
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Footage of Barack Obama killing a fly with his bare hands while giving an TV interview has angered the animal rights group PETA. It's sending him a "humane" catch-and-release fly trap to the White House. "He [Obama] isn't the Buddha, he's a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act." How ridiculous, a blogger protested. Should the President have spared the fly's life so it could fulfil its life work hanging out on dog turds and spreading disease? (Source: yesbutnobutyes.com)
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A reader writes:
"I have become accustomed to wedding lists, though it still grates to completely re-equip the household of a couple who have lived together for 10 years. But I am aghast at a recent invitation to a baby shower that prescribes exactly what food each "guest" should bring and includes a spreadsheet of things the couple want, including brand names, price-points, and shops where some of the items are already waiting on lay-by to be paid off? Am I just a mug for being grateful if I am offered any gift by a friend?"
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Jacob has been following the Save K Rd story with interest.
"It was just over a century ago that attempts were made to rename Karangahape Rd. In 1908, names suggested included Cheepside, Fleet St, Broadway, George St and King Edward St. I am curious as to why the council hasn't come out with an official statement, or perhaps the next time I walk along K Rd the signpost will read Banks St. We all know that authorities have a habit of keeping unpopular details quiet until the last minute."
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View today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick: Hey Telecom NZ! Now this is how you market high speed internet; with originality and humour. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.