A reader writes: "I love the current TV ad for Hammer Hardware. First, they advertise an automatic garage door opener followed by an energy-saving light bulb! I suppose this targets both the greenies and those who don't give a toss about energy consumption."
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Francois Sauvageot writes: "To the commuter travelling to Auckland CBD about 7.15am, Monday to Friday, from somewhere in the Hauraki Gulf please ask the pilot of your helicopter to fly higher when above Newmarket. We are tired of hearing your vehicle (small, white, crop duster type) buzzing above our rooftops at this early hour. And unless you can quickly confirm you are a brilliant brain surgeon, an accomplished police supervisor or an outstanding symphonic orchestra conductor, I am not sure I can refrain my neighbour any longer from using his new rocket launcher."
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Jacky says forget the Shell/Ferrari ad for its corporate environmental unawareness, what about this one from the state broadcaster. "The TV One promotional ad where you can see all of the cities lit up across NZ from space must surely make the environmentally conscious among us cringe. Maybe if TV One hadn't had all those lights shining we might not be facing power cuts this winter."
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Mistaken identity: "My husband and I were shoe shopping one day for him ... no small task as he has notoriously bad taste. I turned my back for one instant and turned back to see him putting on the ugliest pair of zippered, Velcro monstrosities. 'Put those hideous things back!' I cried ... and of course it wasn't my husband."
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An armed police squad who raced to a shoot-out between drug dealers found gangsta rappers making a music video instead. Residents in Dortmund, Germany, called police when they thought they saw a cocaine dealers' gunfight outside. But police found nine men aged between 22 and 36 with fake pistols. The "cocaine" was sugar and flour in plastic bags. A police spokesman said: "They really did look like they were gangs tooled up for a deadly fight."
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Raj bought a 2-litre bottle of Meadowfresh milk at Foodtown last week for $4.19. He then went to a small spice shop in Sandringham and noticed they were selling the same 2-litre milk for $2.50! He asked how they could sell so cheaply and they said they were selling it at the recommended retail price. "I would be interested in an explanation from someone in Foodtown management as to why they are charging way above the RRP! I don't think the cost of dairy products is the issue, it's the cost of profiteering and we don't need an inquiry from the Commerce Commission to figure that out."
Today's Webpick: How they made bread in the 80s. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.