Below this header for Skins She, a range of high-tech training outfits for female performance athletes, the copy gets the target market all wrong.
It reads: "Skins She delivers immediate results for the woman who likes to look and feel like a complete bitch. The unique BioAcceleration Technology can enhance performance, endurance, recovery and death stares. Helping you achieve your ideal look faster. Don't hate the woman with the perfect body. Become her."
C.J. Due-Simmons, who spotted this ad in Endurance Magazine, says: "Apparently Skins feel that women who exercise are just doing it to look good for men and don't actually care about the elite level of sport they might be training for."
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Matt points out TVNZ's summer promotion, with the presenter of TV One's Kiwi Kitchen Richard Till hosting a barbecue, isn't exactly practising "safe food". "He cooks the food in the afternoon and a lone sausage is left after everyone has departed later in the evening. He then eats the sausage. Surely not the safest thing to do?" he says. "Ironically, the advert that came on just after that, was the FoodSafe advert ... 'clean, cook, cover, chill.' Seems to me the Government departments are sending out contradictory messages here."
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Milford isn't the only place that dodgy music has been played, says Rob Maddox. "The Warehouse in Newmarket was playing some "gangsta rapper" music the other week, in which it was loudly proclaimed that someone had been intimate with someone else's mother ... in rather less savoury terms. Last year one of the popular Auckland malls showed a music video that had full frontal nudity on its big plasma screen in the lead-up to Christmas, which I found equally troubling, given the number of small children in the area. Perhaps some guidelines need to be written, or at least reinforced."
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A burglar terrified two students when he walked into their house in Hungate, Lincoln, and stole some chives. Anthony Mark Allen, 28, walked through their open door and tried to demand cash from them but in the end he settled for stealing the herb and a few books and DVDs. He later told police he had been drinking heavily and was jailed for three years. (Source:
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Paula Norman thinks Heart of the City's new slogan for central Auckland is awful. "The Big Little City? Or was it the Little Big City? Can we compete with Reno, Portland, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Amsterdam ... who all have the same slogan?" she says. "I googled City of Sails and the results were overwhelmingly 'Auckland', so it is unique. What a waste of $800,000 when I'm sure the majority of Aucklanders are happy with our long held apt description."
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An 81-year-old man in the small Chilean village of Angol shocked his grieving relatives by waking up in the coffin during his wake, local media report. When Feliberto Carrasco's family discovered his body limp and cold, they were convinced the octogenarian's hour had come, so they called a funeral home, not a doctor. Carrasco was dressed in his best suit for the wake and his relatives gathered to bid him a final farewell. "I couldn't believe it. I thought I must be mistaken and I shut my eyes," Carrasco's nephew Pedro said. "When I opened them again, my uncle was looking at me. I started to cry and ran to get something to open up the coffin to get him out." The man who "rose from the dead" said he was not in any pain and only asked for a glass of water.
Today's Webpick: You may be gone but you live on in my wallet&.A catchy tribute song to Sir Ed. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.