"Soon after my Dad passed away, he started to communicate to me how upset he was that after living his life to the fullest he ended up in some ugly, hard container," says the creator of the Huggable Urn. "He wanted something soft and cuddly that people could hold and have around them at all times. Having my Dad in my Huggable Teddy Bear means I can bring him with me to all of our family gatherings." Huggable Urns come with a plastic-lined velvet pouch, sealed with Velcro, for storing the ashes.
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A reader from Mt Albert says shoppers at Foodtown's 24-hour supermarkets should be on guard when buying advertised specials early in the morning. Our man bought the family groceries at the Mt Eden branch before 1am yesterday and discovered that he did not get the bargains clearly advertised on the shelves. "The bread special, for example, was meant to be three loaves for $5.50, but I was charged $9.57. When I went back to complain, the red-faced supervisor - who refunded the difference without any hesitation - explained that the store's computer stops giving the week's specials at midnight each Sunday - even though the price 'tickets' are still on the shelves. But the following week's specials are not loaded into the computer until hours later. You have to wonder how many earlybird shoppers are paying too much before Foodtown gets its act together every Monday morning."
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Wayne Tibbotts tries to warn new parents of the danger on taking babies on a stroll through the local golf course: "On Saturday our group of four golfers were teeing off at our Pupuke Golf Club on the Shore when a young couple appeared on the path to the green, pushing a pram with their young baby sound asleep. They were heading in our direction and obviously oblivious to the possible danger ahead. As they approached, I asked them if it was their baby and they both smiled sweetly and proudly. I then queried if they should really be on a golf course with a baby. To which Dad replied that it was a public course and they were quite within their rights to be there. We all shook our heads in amazement. We didn't tell them that two holes earlier, one of us hit his ball like a Scud missile into the carpark and it rebounded off a Falcon, leaving a dent that would have caused serious harm if not death to a young baby."
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A bakery company has come up with a range of dog treats that owners can share with their pets. The Alldog Bakery in London offers a multi-purpose treat range, which includes biscuits called Liver Love and Carob Crunch, and insists they are made with human-quality ingredients and are low fat, organic and very tasty. However, they are rock-hard and cost $17 for 200 grams.