Following Rodney Hide's billboard, here's a billboard mashup inspired by Labour's threat to reduce the water flow in our showers. Found at The Foghorn Blast blog
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A British man turned up in agony to an emergency appointment at the dentist, only to find he had to pay before his treatment. David Baxter, a 58-year-old teacher, was told after being injected with anaesthetic that his wisdom tooth would not be removed until he had paid for the treatment in full. Having already withdrawn his daily maximum from the ATM, and with only £30 ($85) in his wallet, he assured the receptionist that he would return first thing the next day with the extra £30. But with his face numb from the forehead down, he was forced to return home for another cash card.
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After visiting an Auckland branch of White Cross, Trish reckons a little customer service would go a long way. "On my first visit not only did the receptionist look as if her face would shatter if she attempted anything close to a smile, but I had to wait at the desk with my sick 3-year-old for her to finish the personal phone call she was having about her success at quitting smoking. I know smoking is difficult to give up, but on my second visit I again waited, this time while she finished having her cigarette at the front of the building!"
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Having owned a Toyota Prius and a Ford Falcon Turbo at the same time, David reckons anybody who suggests the cars have the same fuel economy are living in la la land. "The Falcon used to average approx 15 litres/100km and the Prius 5 litres/100km. When stuck in traffic, the Prius engine would cut out and therefore be using 0 litres/100km. The Falcon would be idling and therefore using an infinite amount of petrol/100km. How Amy can use an example of extremes to try to justify buying larger gas guzzlers is beyond comprehension."
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Michele Harpham drove to Tauranga and back over the weekend and noticed that outside Auckland, the Act Party billboards were different. "Rodney Hide was shown head and shoulders only, in black and white (therefore no glaring yellow jacket). Only Aucklanders get to experience the Big Bird look."
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Today's Webpick: To mark the start of the election let's revisit the infamous clip of Labour MPs Pete Hodgson and Trevor Mallard busting some moves at the launch of a $67 million dollar anti-obesity campaign in September 2006. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.