London's West End is home to a new type of criminal who pretends to be drunk, approaches a drunken reveller, embraces him as a long-lost friend and picks his pocket. Dubbed the "hugger-mugger", the crime involves groups of pickpockets waiting outside pubs and clubs ready to hug a partygoer as they leave the building, stealing their wallets and mobile phones. (Source: Sky News)
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A woman has been arrested in France on suspicion of kissing a painting by American artist Cy Twombly and smudging the bone-white canvas with her lipstick. Officials wouldn't say which painting it was or why the woman felt compelled to kiss it, but said the work is worth US$2 million and was on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Avignon at the time. (Source: Washington Post).
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Rolling Stone has an impressive list of Harry Potter-inspired bands:
Harry and the Potters.
The Moaning Myrtles (the girl ghost who lives in the second- floor girls' bathroom at Hogwarts and died after the Chamber of Secrets was opened).
The Parselmouths (the select group of wizards who can speak the language of snakes).
The Hermione Crookshanks Experience (Harry's friend Hermione Granger and her cat, Crookshanks).
The Remus Lupins (Harry's third-year Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and old pal of his father's who happens to be a werewolf).
Draco and the Malfoys (Harry's arch nemesis at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy).
The Whomping Willows (the gnarled tree on Hogwarts' grounds that threatens the life of those who come near it).
Go to for some equally inspired lyrics.
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A Canadian market research and search engine optimisation site is highlighting bizarre phrases that people type into search engines:
My English teacher lost my essay (18 times a day)
Whole body donation (22)
Shaving horse (27)
Cow seeds (6)
Underground soil (3)
Natural dog (64)
Husband doesn't shower or wear deodorant (5)
My husband wears my clothes (10)
Why is my husband a jerk (6)
How to flirt (179)
Why is my Honda Goldwing too hard to push (15)
Holiday meal with no teeth (4)
Source: (click on "bizarre phrases" at left)