"How bad does the welcome sign have to get before Blockhouse Bay gets a new one?" asks resident Rhonda Ritchie.
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Earl of Greenlane was visiting the new home of his sister-in-law and her partner in a nice Hamilton suburb on Saturday, along with the couple's parents. "We were admiring the quiet neighbourhood, when suddenly the end of the street was crowded with police, a fire engine and an emergency biohazard truck. Neighbours were warned to keep back, due to possible contamination from a suspected 'P' lab. We all made comments regarding the relative niceness of the neighbourhood they had just bought into but it turned out that the laboratory setup seen through the window by an alarm serviceman was being used to make ginger beer."
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The International Olympic Committee has lifted the ban on blogging for athletes in the Beijing Olympics but given the rules they must adhere to to keep the sponsors happy, you wonder if anyone will bother. Bloggers aren't allowed to write about other competitors, use videos, photos or audio clips of sporting events or opening, closing and medal ceremonies and must use no domain names with words similar to "Olympics". (Source:
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For the reader who wrote to say those in his K Rd office watch as a man with a yellow car and a woman with a red car make out in the car park every day at 4pm, here's your explanation: "I am Mr (single) yellow car, who is currently dating the wonderful Miss (single) red and we are pleased our new love is bringing pleasure to other people's lives."
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The downside of inner-city living: Pat from Ponsonby writes, "Further to the K Rd carpark carry-on: Thanks to our tinted windows and our neighbours not realising their second-floor apartment faces an office that functions seven days a week, the couple's hour of lustiness was witnessed by 30 people. The couple weren't so excited when, soon after, one worker yelled up at them from the street and pointed out that behind the tinted windows were a crowd of cheering people."
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Woodstock for the elderly and infirm is how some of the 30,000 patrons saw the recent Tom Jones concert in Napier. Seated near the undies flag was a group of elderly folk lying back in bean bags doing Sudoku and knitting while the music blared. It took the brashness of a woman sitting close by to get them on their feet and dancing.
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Today's Webpick: American actress Amy Walker introduces herself in 21 accents and launches herself into the full glare of the internet limelight. She does a nice job of the Kiwi. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.