Leake St in the Victoria seaside village of Nelson boasts all the conveniences.
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A reader from Mairangi Bay, out with 6-year-old son Max while mum was at home with the flu, was asked: "Has mum got that wine flu?" Dad explained that, first, mum was suffering from good old-fashioned flu and, second, this new virus was actually called "swine flu" and, third, there probably had been the odd occasion when mummy had been suffering the effects of wine flu.
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Name Of The Year, a website that has an annual contest to determine the oddest name, has this year picked American footballer Barkevious Mingo, beating Velvet Milkman and Nutritious Love. Other finalists included Iris Macadangdang, Iona Knipl, Atilla Bucko, Taco Vandervelde and Crystal Metheny. But hard to beat was Wisconsin school teacher Marijuana Pepsi - her mother's sociological experiment, unlike sisters Kimberly and Robin - and twins named Winner and Loser. Winner became a lifetime criminal and Loser a New York police detective.
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Anne Macmillan of Meadowbank is outraged she was fined $150 for driving more than 50m in a designated bus lane - the distance you can travel if turning. She asked an infringement review adviser how she was meant to know where the 50m point began, and was told: "50m is approximately the same length as 10 cars. You are able to judge the distance using the car lengths as a guide, or when signalling for three seconds at 50km/h your vehicle should travel less than the 50m rule, as this has been extensively test [sic] at Auckland City Council. We cannot mark out 50m because this applies to every driveway and side street. The 50m mark for you is different to the 50m mark for someone else."
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Visual gags about wedding-day murders aside, Rhys Morgan explains the name of the apartments featured in yesterday's Sideswipe. "Sir John Logan Campbell had a wonderful mansion at the seaward end of the rose gardens called Kilbryde - hence the naming of the apartments. Kilbryde was the district in Scotland Sir John grew up in. His home was demolished to allow the railway around the point."
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Time magazine's most influential people poll was the result of hacking, says a reader. Christopher Poole, aka Moot, the founder of a popular online forum, topped the People's Choice list because his followers hacked Time.com's website. Although the hackers' plans to manipulate the poll were widely reported online, Time still named him the official winner. IT geeks are appalled at how easy it was for the hackers to breach Time's website security and that Time was not aware of or chose to ignore the hacking. (Source: Tech Crunch)
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Video Webpick: Scroll down for Moms On The Net – an 80s educational clip introducing wives and mothers to the web. click here. Plus, products to sell to prisons. click here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.