Overheard in Harvey Norman Manukau: Woman looking at a NavMan (a global positioning device, probably for a Remuera tractor), asked the salesman if it was wireless. His reply: "Yes, ma'am, it would take a very long wire."
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David Bevan of Howick noticed in a large coloured picture of A1GP racecars published in the Herald recently that the vehicles are almost identical. "It's country versus country, and you can see who's who because the names are on the rear spoiler - there's Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, Fisher & Paykel er, pardon?"
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British MPs have set up an "e-petition" service which allows the public to have a say online to the Prime Minister. The two most pressing issues of public concern are the plan to replace road tax with pricing based on vehicle use and repeal of the Hunting Act. One petitioner wanted to "ban broccoli as an edible foodstuff and reclassify it as a toxic substance".
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From an avid Herald reader on the tiny, isolated and poor South Pacific Island of Niue (population 1100): "The Premier of Niue faced the reality of his Government's long-standing financial crisis when he pulled into the island's only privately run petrol station this week to fill his state-owned vehicle and was refused service. He was told the Government fuel account had not been paid for several months and until it was, no fuel for any Government vehicles."
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The nuclear power sector in Russia is inviting female employees to compete in Miss Atom 2007, a contest to discover the industry's most radiant beauty. "There are a lot of beautiful women in the Russian nuclear sector," said a spokesman for nuclear operator Rosenergoatom. Competitors must be 18 to 35 and work in the nuclear sector in Russia or other ex-Soviet states, or at least be studying nuclear science at university.
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To the people who broke into our house in Wood St, Ponsonby, on Sunday night. Could you please consider returning our jewellery? The items have no monetary value, but the sentimental value is huge. You took our memories from our wedding day and of our parents and grandparents, who have died. We're willing to pay a significant reward for the return of these items that mean so much to us and nothing to you." Email if you have information leading to the return of these items.