Jaws: A fisherman writes: "I was told there were trout in the Hunua Ranges near the Coromandel. So I motor for an hour and a half to Mangatangi Reservoir. And I quickly catch a keeper-size trout. To keep it fresh, I tie it to a rock in some shallow water. As I am trying to catch more, there's a thrashing noise behind me. Thinking the fish has come back to life, I walk over to the trout to find a giant eel trying to yank it free from the rock. The eel's head was about the size of a small dog's, but with bigger sharper teeth. I grab the other end of the line holding the fish and a tug of war ensues, the eel shaking its head from side to side to try to wrench the fish free. The eel eventually breaks the line and snatches the fish out of my hand and slides back to its watery lair with my dinner. I stopped wading at that point and decided to fish from the safety of the shore."
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Five thousand votes have been cast in two months on, and here are New Zealand's top 10 favourite films.
1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Pulp Fiction
5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
6. Fight Club
7. Donnie Darko
8. Amelie
9. Little Miss Sunshine
10. The Princess Bride
To see the full list of 100, go to
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Battle of the games shows: There were no plunging necklines in TV One's new game show, The Rich List, but local TV website says the show attracted more of an audience than last week's This Is You Life special on mountain climber Mark Inglis. The show, fronted by Jason Gunn, took 41.8 per cent of audience share in the 8.30pm timeslot, well ahead of TV3's hit House, which rated 27 per cent. Last week's TV3 game show, Deal or No Deal, featuring Jeremy Corbett and 26 cleavages, scored 26.9 per cent audience share.
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Surprise with that. A reader writes: "I decided to visit the McDonald's Newmarket Broadway 277 store at 9am for a hot breakfast. A sign explained that if my order was not filled within 60 seconds, I would get a free coffee. When my order took three minutes to arrive, I thought it would be nice to not have to buy a cup from the coffee shop next door. I was presented with a free coffee voucher when my food arrived. I asked the employee for the coffee to take away, and he said "I'm sorry. You can only redeem this voucher in McDonald's Quay St", some kilometres away. It also expired in two days."