You are not seeing double. This very special offer is most likely to be on at an Irish pub.
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How to Call in Sick When You Need a Day Off:
1. Complain about fake symptoms a day before to colleagues so they can make the connection to your symptoms from the day before.
2. Call your boss early the next morning. You want to avoid your boss labelling you a bad employee by not informing him or her early enough. Moreover, if you call early, you will have a rather rough voice after waking up. This will give you added credibility. Don't fake coughing. That's a dead give-away.
3. Make the call a short one. Just say that you are not coming in as you are calling in sick that day. Excellent choices are severe headache or stomach ailment, as they are common. Don't get too detailed.
4. Get off the phone quickly. The longer you are on the phone, the more the chance of messing up something.
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An English couple who took a trip to New Zealand discovered their dog also had a taste for Downunder's appeals. Zorro, a Hungarian Vizsla, was delighted at his owners' return, was also attracted to a precious memento, the scenic coffee table book New Zealand Landscapes - so attracted to it that he ate it. Desperate to replace the book but unable to find it in the UK, the owners contacted the place where the bought the book, The Hermitage Hotel at Mt Cook, which sent a replacement.
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Podiatric pedantry: "Everyone knows what an ankle is," said an official of the association of Texas medical doctors. Not so, said a lawyer representing Texas podiatrists: "You don't have an ankle. The foot includes the ankle." A state appeals court has sided with the doctors, but the podiatrists say it's not over yet and that they may continue to treat ankles even though they are licensed to work only on feet. (Source: News of the Weird)
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In Tuesday's Sideswipe Graeme Tremlett commented on the irony of the recent failure of the MetService Auckland Rain radar during bad weather. Bob McDavitt responds: "As MetService Weather Ambassador I can assure you that we forecasters found this failure to be really frustrating. The transmitter and power equipment were struck by lightning on July 24 (20,000 lightning strikes detected by our network on that day) and we had to wait for settled weather to chopper in and make good repairs. So to have it struck by lightning again in the next storm makes us all shake our heads. The radar is an easy hit for lightning, it is on top of the highest hill around, Mount Tamahunga, behind Warkworth. We have lightning protection, but the recent lightning has been phenomenal."
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Today's Webpick: Can you guess what is the biggest cliche in reality TV? Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.