Kallen Ford and a friend were playing hackysack outside Colorado's Boulder County Courthouse when a police officer approached. Office Colin Stephens took their sack and issued Ford a $250 fine for "releasing projectiles on the mall". Local media report the fine is actually greater than the fine for speeding in a school zone.
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Noel Methot, 24, was cited for inattentive driving after her car wound up half-submerged in a pond near downtown Orlando, Florida in November. She was driving down a street but apparently missed the signs warning of the end of the road, and according to witnesses, the most likely reason for that was that she was arguing loudly with her boyfriend on her cellphone. The car was airborne for about eight or 10 metres before splashdown, but Methot was not seriously hurt. (Source: News of the Weird)
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A Government survey released in Britain claims teens without access to legal highs are increasingly getting their kicks with legal drugs such as painkillers and mood stimulants, and they're chugging back cough medicine. Christina, 21, says she can't start her day without taking half a bottle of cough medicine.
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List of The Simpsons name origins.
Lisa Marie Simpson - Lisa Groening (Matt Groening's sister) and Lisa Marie Presley.
Marge - Marjorie (commonly called Marge) Groening (Matt Groening's mother was named "Margaret" and nicknamed "Marge").
Homer - Homer Groening (Matt Groening's father and one of his sons).
Maggie - Maggie Groening (one of Matt Groening's sisters).
Bart - an anagram for "brat", a reference to Groening himself.
(Source: Wikipedia)