Hang on; haven't they got that round the wrong way? Sign of the times, outside a children's playground.
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Their economy is going down the gurgler, but Americans' fourth most common Google search yesterday morning was to get a peek at the wardrobe malfunction of a Survivor contestant. The video from Survivor Gabon, which shows a contestant's manhood escaping from his shorts during a challenge, has been removed by CBS and digitally obscured where possible, but still the uncensored version spread across the web. (Source: reality blurred)
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Further to the story of the lazy gardener who dropped bags of green waste on the side of the road, Kathy also came across a similar act of unmitigated gall. "I was unloading my groceries into my car at Pak'n Save in Lower Hutt and noticed a trolley with several full grocery bags unattended in the carpark. I looked more closely and noticed it was all empty bottles and other general rubbish from someone's car."
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Talia responds to Lena's comment about 6ft lummoxes at concerts: "I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for biting someone in a crowd. That's completely feral and disgusting, and also constitutes assault. Ever heard of crowd etiquette? If you want to be up the front, you have to take the good with the bad. A 6ft guy has as much right to be there as you."
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Lauren shares her concert mosh pit rules from a "45kg waif".
1. Always wear your hair up in a pony tail.
2. Take off jewellery.
3. Wear closed-toed shoes and duct-tape them to your feet. High heels, Jandals or bare feet are out.
4. If someone is shoving you, do not shove them back - someone is shoving them. However, if someone is trying to squeeze through to the front, just use your elbow to stop them by placing it in their stomach.
5. Do not bite, punch, kick, headbutt or use any other idiotic behaviour unless you are in a "circle pit".
6. If you go into a mosh, expect to get elbowed, shoved, squished and hurt no matter what your size.
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British businessman Simon Cremer, who runs a carpet fitting business in Witham, Essex, marched employee Mark Gilbert to a police station wearing a sign saying: "Thief, I stole £845 [$2275], am on my way to the police station." But Cremer's attempt to shame Gilbert backfired when he was arrested on suspicion of assault, false imprisonment and theft, Britain's Daily Telegraph reported. (Source: AAP)
Today's Webpick: The Voting Ignorant in the US. Cue theme tune from Deliverance. Watch it here. Scroll down.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.