The "Benign Girl" Super Telephone includes a "Try Me Press Button" arrow that points to a non-existent button, and says the phone has "luxurious music". (Source:
White supremacist group VNN Vanguard Nazi/KKK tried to hold a rally in Knoxville, Tennessee, but were foiled by an organised group of clowns called the 100th ARA (Anti Racist Action) Clown Block. The leader of the hate rally tried rushing the clowns in a fit of rage, and was arrested by four police officers who dropped him to the ground and "dragged him off past the red shiny shoes of the clowns". "White Power!" the Nazis shouted, "White Flour?" the clowns yelled back, running in circles throwing flour in the air. "White Power!" the Nazis angrily shouted once more, "White flowers?" the clowns replied before throwing white flowers in the air. (Via and
Equality swings both ways: Japanese men worried about bulging bellies can now slip into a boxer brief girdle or T-shirt with tummy-control panels. "We made our men's brand aimed at those in their 30s and 40s, but it has been selling well among younger guys too," said Asako Iwahashi, a spokeswoman for underwear maker Triumph International Japan, which introduced its line of girdles for men last year. "Young men are wearing tighter trousers now and like women, they want a cleaner line." (Source: Reuters)
Steve Matthews of Swanson writes: "In the 1970s my wife, then my fiance, and I were courting in Singapore. One evening we decided to have a celebration dinner in an up-market hotel to mark our recent engagement. The lights were low, the candles flickered, the atmosphere perfect for the occasion. To top it off, a 'gypsy' violin trio sauntered across to our table and began to serenade us. Unfortunately one of the trio's flies were undone and a little label protruded from them which read 'Terylene, do not iron'. So much for romanticism."
Ruth and Terry O'Neill observed their sons, aged 5 and 3, admiring newborn sister. Little brother asked: "Why doesn't she have a penis?" to which older brother knowledgeably replied: "Because she has a China!"
Correct spelling not exclamation marks sell goods online: Paul Taylor points out that the Allsopps beer that was bought for $304 didn't sell for $503,000 because the original auction had a typo. Anybody searching for "Allsopps" wouldn't have seen the item that was listed as "Allsops".
Today's Video Webpick: Flight of the Conchords cut loose. Footloose that is. This clip is from the final episode of their hit US series, which we in New Zealand can watch from the luxury of our couches on September 17th on Prime. Watch it Spare Room.