Grandad Cardigan Cake (Source:
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The TV3 show Target is good at pointing the finger - tut-tutting at shoddy workmanship, inappropriate fondling and unhygienic practices - but when they have the power to ruin a business, they have to get it right. Especially when they're accusing a cafe of having poo in their food. A recent episode conducted a hidden camera trial at Auckland cafes and outed Cafe Cezanne in Ponsonby as returning a positive faecal coliform in their food sample. Turns out there was a bit of a muck-up with the labelling and production company Top Shelf says they now can't confirm which cafe produced the high count. Now they've effectively maligned the other three cafes involved in the trial. The now sacked employee who mislabelled the sample may have also contaminated the samples. Trouble with this science stuff is, unlike TV making, you can't cut corners.
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The recently unemployed in Dubai are joining the Bad Times Boot Camp, which meets on a local beach to work out. Alex Light, 26, set up the camp after losing his job in real estate and plans to introduce it around the world. The regular meeting will encourage the unemployed to stop wallowing and lift their spirits through physical fitness. (Source:
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A few Facebook groups have started about the smacking referendum, but the best has to be "Should assault, as part of a good relationship, be a criminal offence in NZ?" The members of the group are making up their own referendum questions, such as: 1) Should P manufacturing, as part of good entrepreneurship, be a criminal offence? 2) Should rape, as part of a good date, be a criminal offence? 3) Are you opposed to free icecream, and a little bit of genocide?
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A Florida police officer has been suspended for a week after driving over a woman sunbathing on the beach. The woman received a broken pelvis, broken ribs, and head and spinal injuries. And in Japan, a police sergeant has been arrested after he allegedly snatched a purse from a 75-year-old woman. Two high school boys saw the theft, chased him down, and caught him. (Source:
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Turning left on to the motorway at Gillies Ave, Newmarket: "I think I understand Wal Britton's thought processes now," says Rhys Morgan. "He would still dive in at a beach with an urgent 'shark warning' sign because he felt the sign should have been further to the left. There is a word for that."
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<i>Sideswipe</i>: Tasty top

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