Dianne Hambrook of Devonport, who writes a blog called RoadTrip.co.nz, snapped this over the weekend. "We're guessing there was some partying in the main street of Titirangi village, judging by the road cone this statue of Henry Atkinson is wearing at a rakish angle. The 'hat' seemed to suit the relaxed hand-in-pocket pose."
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Dave of Warkworth wonders if he's buying watered-down wine: "I am a regular buyer of a well-known New Zealand blended red wine of the chateau cardboard variety. With my last purchase, as soon as I poured my crystal glass of evening tipple, it was obvious that I could see right through the glass to the newspaper beyond. I decided to check it against a range of other reds. I then filled my second, third and fourth glasses with a range of cabernet sauvignons. I could not read the paper through the glass then. The Chateau De Cardboard wine is thinner, as I couldn't even see the paper through the cab savs. My highly deductive (and by then, slightly addled) mind told me that the bottled stuff is thicker than the new cardboard variety ($18.95 for three litres). Although a tight-fisted connoisseur, I shall be changing to bottled wine."
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A can of corn from Birkenhead New World supermarket is labelled: "Made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients," writes David Pardon. "How many ingredients are there in a can of corn? Presumably the corn is imported but the water comes from New Zealand."
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The warnings about smoking and drink driving can be misinterpreted by children and Janine remembers as a kid, being frightened by another ad. "Sitting in our doctor's waiting room when I was about 6 I became very anxious that I may have VD because a poster stated if you slept around you could be in danger of getting VD and I spent time at my grandparents' house as well as sleepovers."
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Twickenham artists Simon and Sheba Cassini lodged an application with local authorities to name their house "Love Shack", but planners insisted "shack" could confuse emergency services. However, the couple found a compelling argument to support their cause when a neighbour called the fire brigade after mistaking their barbecue for a blaze. Three engines had no trouble finding the Love Shack - named after the hit by the B52s.
(Source: Telegraph.co.uk)
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See today's Herald cartoon
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<i>Sideswipe:</i> Street fashion
Vicki reckons this could cause a little confusion at Mt Smart Stadium.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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