Dave Grierson found this cat on Saturday morning hanging on to the centre-line in the 70km/h stretch of Dominion Rd just before Devon St - just before it joins up with Upper Queen St. "He had been hit by a car and left in the middle of the road," says Dave, who took him to the vet and paid for his care and now wants to reunite cat and owner. "He is neutered, well cared for and very affectionate and he appears to have had a tooth surgically removed at sometime. If we can't find the owner, he may have to be put down. We already have an old cat and dog at our place so there is "no more room at the inn". He has a small white tuft on his chest and a small nick in his right ear, a few white flecks through his coat - probably 7-8 years old. The owner or anyone who wishes to adopt him can contact me on 029 206 5500 or 846-2901."
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A stripper performed for a classroom full of British teenagers after a booking mix-up. The birthday boy's mother thought she had booked a gorillagram. The Daily Mail said the teenager's mother had told the teacher beforehand that a "birthday surprise" would walk in during the class and requested that it be filmed. The stripper, dressed as a policewoman, put on some music and had the teenager put a collar on her, ordered him to get on all fours, led him around the classroom and hit him 16 times - one for each year - on the bottom with her whip. She stripped to her underwear while dancing to a Britney Spears song. Only when she asked the teenager to rub cream all over her body did the "stunned" teacher intervene.
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Like a sponge, Charlie Hadfield has absorbed all the strangely appropriate business names from throughout his life: "We had a dentist in Southampton called Mr Hurt - one of the best we've ever had; a neighbouring GP practice was White, Pagan, and Savage; in Dorset, there is a well known butcher called Bakers the Butchers - you often see their vans delivering to confused customers. In Hong Kong, there was Wong Kee Construction Co and the Lee Kee Boot Company and my all time favourite, Honest Motors."
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Passengers will be reassured that Nepal Airlines, which was having technical trouble with one of its two Boeing 757s in August, announced it had fixed the problem by sacrificing two goats to appease the Hindu sky god Akash Bhairab. (Source: News of the Weird).
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Ian Deverell says when he lived in Henderson he had a dentist named Dr Wright and a GP named Dr Wong. Both were in medical centres on Lincoln Rd. And Matt Bull remembers that his sister, who attended Otumoetai Intermediate in Tauranga in the late 80s/early 90s, was taught by two music teachers - Mr Blow and Ms Screach.