Popular Mechanics has published a list of "25 skills every man should know". They are:
1. Patch a radiator hose; 2. Protect your computer; 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized; 4. Frame a wall; 5. Retouch digital photos; 6. Back up a trailer; 7. Build a campfire; 8. Fix a dead outlet; 9. Navigate with a map and compass; 10. Use a torque wrench; 11. Sharpen a knife; 12. Perform CPR; 13. Fillet a fish; 14. Manoeuvre a car out of a skid; 15. Get a car unstuck; 16. Back up data; 17. Paint a room; 18. Mix concrete; 19. Clean a bolt-action rifle; 20. Change oil and filter; 21. Hook up an HDTV; 22. Bleed brakes; 23. Paddle a canoe; 24. Fix a bike flat; 25. Extend your wireless network.
While visiting England's seaside town of Shalford recently Allan Dumbleton stopped for a "coffee break", but instead of coffee his wife asked if they did milkshakes. "Yes" the girl serving at the counter said brightly and poured the requested lime essence into an average-sized glass. She then proceeded to retrieve a two-litre bottle of milk from the fridge and shook it vigorously for a few seconds before topping up the glass!