Anyone can get priority parking these days. In addition to disabled parking, there's pram parking, 30min quick shoppers' parks at the mall and now greenie parking at Auckland Airport. Although the sign says, "Priority parking: hybrid and fuel-efficient cars only. Max engine capacity 1.6", a Land Rover was spotted parked in this space. The owner seems to be metaphorically flipping the bird at the idea...
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Naomi works for a government department which is always accused of being overly bureaucratic. She rang the Westpac call centre to ask for the physical address of Westpac House in Wellington, so she could courier them some documents, only to be told they couldn't give out that information under the Privacy Act! But thanks to Google and Westpac's own website, the secret is out - it's at 318 Lambton Quay.
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Nerdy males in Japan are falling for a Nintendo DS dating simulation called Love Plus, which gives them a young, attractive, mouthy, teenage digital "girlfriend". The touch-screen girlfriend demands hand-holding, kissing and having sweet nothings whispered in her ear. It has been reported that one fan eloped to the Philippines with his Love Plus girlfriend, had himself photographed with her - clutching the screen showing her image - and then took her through a marriage ceremony. (Source: News of the Weird)
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The manufacturer of Jif is a huge multinational with sales in excess of $80 billion, writes Andy. "And yet it still can't get the almost iconic fliptop cap on the bottle to work properly! After only a few applications the cap gets jammed up with dried product so it won't close properly. Trying to force it shut doesn't work and eventually the lid breaks off."
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Jim says: "Seriously folks, if you have a problem with somebody, whether it is bagpipes at 11 or people licking their fingers while reading magazines and putting them back, why don't you raise your concerns then and there? Or maybe start a Facebook group? Three words: Grow. A. Spine."
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Paula writes: "My in-laws were given their first colour TV by their family for their 25th wedding anniversary. For their 50th wedding anniversary recently, the family gave them a new flatscreen TV to replace the original one given 25 years ago. No, it hadn't broken down but we thought they deserved a remote control after all these years!"
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Of the many, many, many emails detailing very old appliances still in use, the oldest is Shirley's beater. "For our wedding in 1959 we received a £10 cheque. For £9/19/6d we purchased a Sunbeam Beater Mix. Today, after 51 years' use, it still does the job perfectly."
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Today's Webpick: Wonderful piece of 80s religious programming dishing out dating advice for the abstinence only crowd. Go here to watch.
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