Punishment fits the crime: A reader spotted this sign, above, way out west of Taupaki in the Waitakere foothills and thinks someone's very annoyed with the tagging on their newly built fence!
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A German woman missing for 12 years has been found living in the woods on the outskirts of the Swiss capital with nothing more than an umbrella and tarpaulin for shelter, police say. The 52-year-old appeared to be healthy after living in the simple shelter near the community of Bolligen for the past year. Even the ranger who makes regular checks of the woods had failed to notice her before a hiker told police this month that he had seen a woman living there, said a Bern police spokesman. Bolligen's Mayor Rudolf Burger said the woman did not want any contact with her family. He said she conversed normally, but she also spoke of a mission that she had to fulfil. He declined to elaborate. The Bolligen Citizens Community, which owned the woods, planned to ask her to leave. The woman was reported missing in 1997 in a village near Potsdam, Germany, outside Berlin.
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Geoffrey Slack of One Tree Hill writes: "Vodafone tell me that I must have accidentally made a call to my wife and she accidentally answered the call. I picked up my wife from work at 16.30 and the call was apparently made at 16.27 so we were sitting at the side of each other while I made a 91min 19sec call costing $80.36. Several times I contacted Vodafone but the system was down so they couldn't help me, but they assure me it does not make mistakes. If you ring 7777 instead of 777 you will also be charged for your call to customer service, but of course the system doesn't make mistakes. Computers are always correct. Yeah right."
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The student on the dole who said "I would prefer my money to go to those willing to learn rather than those who are too lazy to work" annoyed a number of readers who wondered if he realised he was referring to himself as lazy with that statement. "Or are you arrogant enough to think that they are the only person who receives the dole who deserves it?" reads one response. "The student loan is a hand-up that allows the recipient to better themselves and improve their income in the long term. The dole is a handout designed to see people through a difficult time. I know which one I would rather see repaid."
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Proof no one's looking at the ads: A reader suggests Mike Bush, who could find no listing in the Yellow Pages for their much publicised, self titled restaurant "should have let his eyes do the looking, the fact he missed the tag line on the TV ad listing as the site to visit is matched only by the fact that he also missed the ad on the front page of the site which would have taken him to the right place!" Proof that no one notices the ads?
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Lawrence says it's worth pointing out that nowhere on the rather pretty Yellow Tree House website is there any information on where the restaurant actually is, how you get there, or how you get in touch. Isn't this almost the antithesis of what the Yellow Pages is trying to achieve?"
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The dog in the bag is Zorro, writes Clay Nelson, an associate priest. "He commutes daily with me from Devonport to St Matthew-in-the-City where he is in charge of security and hospitality. Loved the photo."
Today's Webpick: The embedded video today has helpful information for those who are new to the internet, but make sure you check out the link of New Zealand Police scoring an own goal further up in Choice Links. Watch them both here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.